Sac Roberta di Camerino, Italie.
Circa 1950.
Hauteur : 18 cm – Longueur : 38 cm – Largeur : 13 cm – Poids : 0,7 kg
Giuliana Camerino est une créatrice de mode (1920-2010).
Prix Neiman Marcus Fashion Award (1956).
Ses sacs ont notamment été portés par Grace Kelly et Elizabeth Taylor.
« This is a true piece of history. The Roberta di Camerino Bagonghi Bag, is the most famous bag designed in 1948 by Giuliana Coen. It is a timeless precious piece that has always been a fashion symbol for women of the high society, just like Princess Grace of Monaco.
The handbag is made in a special type of velvet with a unique sheen and feel with the classic Meridiana design in the center.
Made with colorful velvet, the bag features a curious shape, connected with its name, Bagonghi, who was a dwarf clown, recalled from Giuliana’s child memories, when she used to go the circus.
Fashioned in black leather with green and deep red velvet inserts, the bag is complimented with silver-tone hardware. Inside it is leather lined with three drop-in pockets and one zippered pocket. »

« In the 1959, Princess Grace Kelly was photografated with the iconic Bagonghi. The bag became a real fashion symbol, and called the “bag of the princess”. Created by Roberta di Camerino, was the first bag made of Baiadera velvet; the metal fitting were created by expert craftsmen who built gondolas of Venice. Many years have passed, but the Bagonghi bag remain a must have. »